According to the Chinese zodiac, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. A reminder to us all of the need to be brave and ambitious as we plan for the business year ahead. It’s time to put the uncertainty and challenges of the past 20 months behind us. Standing still is not an option – in fact it’s the fastest way of going backwards. Instead, we need to channel our inner tiger and be fearless and front-footed.  So, whether you’re launching a product, entering a new market or taking on a different role, here are my top tips to help you achieve great things in 2022.


Set your sights high

Start as you mean to go on by dialling up your ambition and setting short, medium and long-term goals for the year ahead. These goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. It’s about adopting an optimistic approach that encourages you to see beyond the horizon and seek out new opportunities. By making sure your SMART goals are both ambitious and achievable you will create a momentum for change that will motivate you throughout the year. By keeping your eyes focused on the end game, you’ll have a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved going forward.


Silence your inner critic

We’re often our own worst enemy – talking ourselves out of things before we’ve even begun. A powerful way to set yourself up for success in 2022 is to banish this negative thinking by reminding yourself what’s great about your product, your company and your relationship with your customers. Being proud of yourself, your work and your team are powerful ingredients that drive success.  By silencing your inner critic in this way, you will adopt a positive mood and can-do attitude that is contagious with colleagues and customers alike.


Collaborate so you can innovate

As Albert Einstein so wisely said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – yet I’m sure all of us can think of examples in business where this has been the case.  High performers, on the other hand, have the courage to challenge the status quo and think creatively. The secret to encouraging brave ideas is building balanced relationships where people feel they are being listened to and treated as equals.  By empowering people and creating the space for them to contribute, you’ll create a culture of innovation within your team and externally through partnerships, that delivers real results.


By following these steps to dial up your ambition, adopt a can-do attitude and think creatively, you’ll develop the courage to seek out new opportunities, embrace change and make great things happen in 2022.

What are your goals for the year ahead? We’d love to hear your thoughts on how to be brave and front-footed.